The FlexRICAN project unites three ESFRI infrastructures, three academic institutions and two industrial partners from Europe to bring sustainable solutions to large research infrastructures.
FlexRICAN will demonstrate how research infrastructures as electro-intensive actors can enhance energy flexibility for the European electrical grid and contribute to local heating networks through Waste Heat Recovery projects.
The European electricity mix is evolving fast. Once heavily carbon-intensive in the 1990s, the average electricity carbon intensity dropped to around 220 kg/MWh in 2023 [1]. Still, an ambitious target is set – to attain a carbon intensity of 100 kg/MWh by 2030 [2], see Figure 1. This rapid evolution
By the end of the summer and the beginning of autumn, FlexRICAN stepped into a new phase of its implementation. Coming on strong from the summer and fully recruited and equipped for the upcoming deliverables and milestones, we are glad to share the latest updates. Firstly, FlexRICAN 2nd Consortium Meeting
FlexRICAN consortium partner ELI ERIC will participate in the 2nd LPA Special Workshop on Intelligent Systems, taking place from January 13 to 16, 2025, at the Department of Physics, University of Oxford as a part of the Laser-Plasma Accelerator Seminars. At this event, ELI ERIC, represented by Davorin Peceli, Laser
Join dozens of scientists and researchers for the event on sustainable research infrastructure! Event on Sustainable Solutions for Research Infrastructures (ESSRI) is a biannual conference dedicated to addressing and implementing sustainable energy solutions and management strategies in research infrastructures (RIs). With rising energy costs, climate change, and unstable energy resources,
The FlexRICAN consortium will physically come together at ELI ERIC in Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic on September 19-20, 2024. The event will include a site visit and each work package’s updates from the past six months, a networking dinner on September 19 and the 2nd General Assembly Meeting on September