The use of waste heat is a key issue for the Global transition in Europe. Projects are going on in different RIs. In order to accelerate these projects, we will, starting from the ongoing projects in the facilities of the consortium, develop a suitable methodology to be applied to other RIs.
Among other the following questions have to be addressed :
- definition of the most suitable governance that has to be adapted to the integration of new stakeholders,
- time-dependent modelization of waste heat management with variable temperature and management of intermittency.
- prepare the integration of industrial prototypes (e.g. piloting, storage or heat pumps) to be in operation at the facilities
The critical question of the level of temperature of the Waste Heat and efficiency of the systems for service to the users of RI ( klystron for accelerators, coils for high field, is a transversal issue of the 4 tasks of this WP.